Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday 11th of October 2008

I asked every member to participate for the project work since we have to submit the project on 15th of October.

Location: SLIIT

Participated members:

Katangodage B.T.
Gayan Kumara
Muthugala M.K.N.D.
Padmasiri A.D.R.
Oshadi P.A.U.
Hettiarachchi P.S.
Maliga V.V.N.
Ramanayake A.R.D.N.D.

Absent without informing:
Dilshan M.P.K.
Ileperuma H.A.

Informed about the absense:
Ariyadasa H.M.L.L.

Failed to submit the User Manual on 10th October 2008:
Ileperuma H.A.

Failed to submit the completed Logo of our product, on 10th October 2008:
Maliga V.V.N.

I worked hard with Gayan Kumara to complete creating the reports in iReports.

Muthugala M.K.N.D., Padmasiri A.D.R., Maliga V.V.N. and Oshadi P.A.U. started drawing the rest of the UML diagrams.

Hettiarachchi P.S. started designing the rest of the graphics.

Ramanayake A.R.D.N.D. worked to complete the validation of the project.

Friday 10th of October 2008

I did some codings in the project.

Oshadi P.A.U. worked on the documentation and Hettiarachchi P.S. designed the interfaces.

Ramanayake A.R.D.N.D. did some validation but yet it is not finished.

Thursday 09th October 2008

I asked the members to do the ir assigned work and I was doing some coding whole day till the mornin (3 a.m.) of 10th of October.

Oshadi P.A.U. started working on documentation.

Hettiarachchi P.S. designed the form of the reports.

Gayan Kumara wrote SQL queries.

Ramanayake A.R.D.N.D. started the form validation.

Wednesday 08th of October 2008

Met the group members again and asked them to participate for the project work till 15th of October.

Ileperuma H.A.
Dilshan M.P.K.

Responded with negative answers to my request.

Also I assigned Ileperuma H.A. to write the user manual of the system and made the deadline to submit it on 10th of October 2008.

I started creating the database in MySQL and there were some errors in creating it.

Wednesday 17th of September 2008

Location: SLIIT
The following members participated for the project work:
Katangodage B.T.
Muthugala M.K.N.D.
Oshadi P.A.U.
Maliga V.V.N.
Ramanayake A.R.D.N.D.

I assigned Maliga V.V.N. to design a logo for our software product. And the deadline is set to 10th of October.

Due to the absense of the project members, i decided to give a study brea to the members.

The next session of project work will start on 08th of October 2008 due to the final exam of the 2nd Year, 2nd Semester.

Tuesday 16th of September 2008

The following members participated for the prototype presenatation at the company.

Katangodage B.T.
Muthugala M.K.N.D.
Padmasiri A.D.R.
Dilshan M.P.K.
Oshadi P.A.U.
Hettiarachchi P.S.
Ramanayake A.R.D.N.D.

Katangodage B.T. and Dilshan M.P.K. presented the prototype.

I handed over to the Chief Software Engineer of the the company and asked him to provide a feedback as our Lecturer-In-Charge told me.

Decisions/ Results:

The company officials are satisfied with the prototype.
Asked us to deliver the working system by the 2nd week of October.

Katangodage B.T. is giving the introduction to the product.

Our Group members before the presentation.

Monday 15th of September 2008

We got ready for the prototype presentation on 16th September 2008.

Saturday 13th of September 2008

We tried to finish the user interfaces whole day, but could not finish.