Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday 1st of July 2008

Tosay we had a meeting at 11.30am. During the meeting Hettiarachchi P.S. came up with the idea to meet Mr. Rathnayake, a Deputy Chairman of xxxxxxxxxxxxxx company. Her father helped us to make an appointment with Mr. Rathnayake. The meeting will be held on 2nd July 2008.

Others came up with ideas to keep back up projects as well, so we decided to attend some companies on 2nd July 2008, to pick some projects they have.

I also suggested following topics as Research Projects.
  1. Online DVD Rental System with an SMS Gateway to send reminders to customers.
  2. Pizza ordering system via SMS.
  3. A software for PDA.
The group members selected online DVD Rental System to keep as a back up project for us.

During the meeting I appointed ;
Oshadi P.A.U. - as the Secretary
Ramanayaka A.R.D.N.D. - as the Treasurer
Maiga V.V.N. - as the Treasurer

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